A model that does not redound to the progress of the sports in Andalusia

The 43/2008 Decree establishes a model of golf course that does not redound to the progress of the sports offer in Andalusia.

Research work realized by Ignacio García, “Informe 40”, demonstrates that “the technical prescriptions imposed in Andalusia for the design of a golf course without the guarantee of a competent organism to regulate the practice of the golf promote an installation model that does not demand the sector.

Ignacio García says that “the installation model, which confuses promoters and professionals, allows the design of golf courses of 9 and 18 holes with routes of scarcely 1.640 and 3.280 yards long, pair 27 and 54, in surfaces of 239.200 and 478.400 square yards, respectively, that use the soil of the neighbour to justify the adoption of measurements that guarantee the practice of the game in safety conditions for the persons inside the facilities and its immediate environment”.

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