The safety plans that Ignacio García is designing for golf courses have safety measures backed by international agencies. They are respectful with the environment and they ensure the practice of golf.
- In conditions of safety for people in the field of golf and immediate environment…
- Depending on the degree of danger posed by the different areas of the field game…
- Without reducing the gameplay of the existing golf course…
- And with provisions recommended by international agencies that regulate the practice and sporting standards of golf in the world…
Safety provisions of those features and facilities at which by its nature is possible and provisions that increase the safety conditions in reason to the golf course and its topographical features.
SAP Málaga, secc. 6ª, de 16/02/2005, JUR 2005/139574, MP Antonio Alcalá Navarro – Cannot be considered unsafety in the practice of golf an uncontrolled ball that goes outside the boundaries of the field of game; on the contrary, this is an usual avatar in this sport. But, who has to prevent any contingency derived from this, is the entity in charge of the exploitation of the golf course (…).